Wednesday 16 March 2011

Context Service

The Context Service is used to generate different types of plots that are used by the HELIO Front End (HFE) to assist the user. Currently the CXS generates plots of GOES light-curves and solar images over-plotted with the location of flares; the plots are generated on demand.

To use the CXS select the time range of interest and the type of plot required and then press "Send Request". The image should appear on the page after a few seconds.

Questions: Would you like to see other types of context information produced by the CXS? If so, please let us know.

This interface is under development. We are examining ways of speeding up the generation of the plots.

1 comment:

David PS said...

There is a real need of the CXS to be on the HFE. Otherwise we are lost on the results without having some context. This has also been posted on the HFE blog (point 10).