fourth HELIO CDAW has been successfully held in Dublin at on 4-7 September 2012.
The 25 participants has been divided in three working groups dealing respectively
with the following challenges:
- Challenge 1 - Heliospheric variability over the solar cycle
by D. Shaun Bloomfield and Paul A. Higgins, School of Physics, Trinity College
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
- Challenge 2 - The 100 CME challenge
by Jason P. Byrne, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA,
and Baptiste Cecconi, LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France
- Challenge 3 - HELIO as a tool for space weather
by Peter Gallagher, School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland,
and Mauro Messerotti, INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
The outcomes of the above challenges will be presented as
posters at the Ninth European Space Weather Week, November 5 - 9, 2012,
Brussels, Belgium.
In the following, some images from the event.
Peter Gallagher
illustrates the three challenges to the CDAW 4 participants in the TCD SNIAM
Lecture Theater.
A detail of the previous
Shaun Bloomfield
comments on Challenge 1.
A detail of the previous
Jason Byrne illustrates
Challenge 2.
Shaun Bloomfield
presents preliminary results on Challenge 1.
Eija Tanskanen gives a
presentation on magnetospheric substorms.
Gabriele Pierantoni
gives a presentation on the SCI-BUS project.