Wednesday 16 March 2011

Instrument Capabilities Service

The Instrument Capabilities Service describes the types of observations that can be made by more than 200 instruments. The ICS also holds information that describe the characteristics of the associated observatories.

To use the
ICS, select the time range of interest and one or more parameters that help define the type of observations that you are interested in and then press "Search". The results can be viewed as a Web page or downloaded as a VOTable or text file.

Questions: Does the
ICS produce the information that you expect? Are there instruments that should be added? Do you see any errors in the Service? If there are any problems, please let us know.

1 comment:

anja said...

Is there a slight inconsistency in the naming of observatories? (e.g. Mariner 2 vs. Cluster-2)
Since the name of the observatory is part of the key to to other services it might be better to avoid spaces in names.